21.10.2015 Τετάρτη
Όμορφο βράδυ βροχερό, περασμένες 22:00. Τα χαμηλά σύννεφα και το ψιλόβροχο θύμιζαν Λονδίνο, πολύ συνειδητά βγήκα στην βάση και όχι στον διάδρομο. Στην βάση τα χαμηλά σύννεφα και το ψιλόβροχο θύμιζαν βαθύ δάσος που όλα μεγεθύνονται απ' τον συνδυασμό των συννέφων με το φως απ' τον φακό. Είναι μαγικό το τρέξιμο στην βροχή το βράδυ, είναι πιο μαγικό όταν ψιλοβρέχει. Δεν σε ''αγχώνει'' όπως η δυνατή βροχή, έχει τον ίδιο βαθμό περιπέτειας όμως.
Σκέψεις υγρές που βάρυναν και έγιναν ένα με το λασπωμένο χώμα, ένα με την λάσπη. Κάποια κομμάτια της τα πήρα μαζί μου καθώς τα παπούτσια ακουμπούσαν στο πλάι της αντίθετης γάμπας φτιάχνοντας ένα φυσικό λασποσκίτσο, όπως όταν δοκιμάζουμε μολύβι σε λευκό χαρτί.
Αν έτρεχα σε πιο χαλαρό ρυθμό θα βαριόμουν, πιθανά και να κρύωνα λίγο, έτσι αποφάσισα να τρέξω με λίγο πιο έντονο ρυθμό, ήταν σοφή επιλογή. Δεν βαρέθηκα, δεν κουράστηκα, πέρασε πιο ευχάριστα η ώρα, πιθανά να μειώθηκαν και οι σκέψεις, καμιά φορά είναι καλό να μην σκεφτόμαστε. Ίσως έτσι να δίνει χώρο στον εαυτό μας να αδειάσει, να μην φορτώνεται.
Δεν μετάνιωσα ούτε μια στιγμή που βγήκα στην βάση με την βροχή.
Όσο περνάν οι μέρες ξεθωριάζει η μυρωδιά του φθινοπώρου και μυρίζει σιγά - σιγά χειμώνας. Είναι όμορφο να ζεις τις αλλαγές, να τις γεύεσαι, να γίνεσαι κομμάτι τους.
Τρέχοντας στην φύση...
I went out for running around 22.00 p.m. in this beautiful night. The clouds were low and it was raining. It was like the rain in London. Consciously, i chose to run outside to the mountain and not in my basement on the running corridor. At the base ground the low clouds and the drizzle created an atmosphere like the way you feel in the deep forest. Everything magnified through the flashlight. Running under the rain, at night time is magic. The drizzle doesn't make you feel nervous as the strong rain does. On the other hand, the sense of adventure is the same.
My thoughts were “wet” and then became heavier and joined the mud ground. I took with me some pieces of this mud because my shoes touched the opposite shank creating a natural picture. It was like the times that we try a pencil on a white paper.
If i run in a more relaxed way it would be boring. Maybe i would feel more the cold. I decided to run in a strong pace and i think i made the right choice. It was not boring at all, i didn’t feel tired afterwards and i spent my time most enjoyable. I think i had less thoughts in my mind and sometimes it is good to empty our minds and not think. Maybe then we give the space we probably need to get rid of the difficult and heavy feelings.
I didn't regret even once for going out to the base ground.
As the days passed, the smell of the autumn fades and the winter is coming little by little. It is nice to live and taste the changes, to become a part of the nature.
My thoughts were “wet” and then became heavier and joined the mud ground. I took with me some pieces of this mud because my shoes touched the opposite shank creating a natural picture. It was like the times that we try a pencil on a white paper.
If i run in a more relaxed way it would be boring. Maybe i would feel more the cold. I decided to run in a strong pace and i think i made the right choice. It was not boring at all, i didn’t feel tired afterwards and i spent my time most enjoyable. I think i had less thoughts in my mind and sometimes it is good to empty our minds and not think. Maybe then we give the space we probably need to get rid of the difficult and heavy feelings.
I didn't regret even once for going out to the base ground.
As the days passed, the smell of the autumn fades and the winter is coming little by little. It is nice to live and taste the changes, to become a part of the nature.
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