22.09.2015 Τρίτη
Κουβέντιαζα το πρωί με ένα φίλο για κάποια μελλοντικά σχέδια του project. Μου 'πε πως μεταφέρω πολύ προσωπικές σκέψεις στα καθημερινά reports και πως αυτό είναι παράξενο (ίσως να μου 'πε πως είναι ''κάπως'', σχεδόν πάντα στα κρίσιμα ή στα δύσκολα ξεχνάμε). Απάντησα πως ''πέφτει'' και αυτολογοκρισία σε μεγάλο ποσοστό στα reports γιατί με φοβίζει η παραπάνω έκθεση.
Σήμερα τρίτη ημέρα αποθεραπείας μετά το Lost Trail έτρεχα στο Αθλητικό Κέντρο Πανοράματος. Σκεφτόμουν την συζήτηση με τον φίλο κι έκανα συνειδητά αυτό ακριβώς, αυτολογοκρινόμουν. Έβγαιναν σκέψεις διάφορες και διαφορετικές, προσωπικές και πολύ προσωπικές και τις σταματούσα, συνειδητά και με σταθερότητα. Ήθελα να μείνω στην διαδικασία της αποθεραπείας και της επαφής με το ίδιο μου το σώμα μα κυρίως στα πονεμένα κομμάτια μου.
Είχα μεγαλύτερη ανάγκη από αυτό σε σχέση με οτιδήποτε άλλο. Πολύ συνειδητά σήμερα έμεινα σε επαφή με το σώμα και τα δικά του ''συναισθήματα''. Ένοιωσα να το έχει ανάγκη περισσότερο, να το έχουμε ανάγκη περισσότερο.
Είναι μοναδικό αυτό που προσφέρει ένας αγώνας στο βάθος χρόνου, τρεις μέρες μετά το σώμα και η ψυχή απ-ασχολούνται με θέματα που διακινήθηκαν την μέρα του αγώνα. Έτσι αποφάσισα το θέμα της φωτογραφίας που συνοδεύει το σημερινό report. Ο σάκος ανεφοδιασμού του αγώνα κρεμασμένος στα κάγκελα του Αθλητικού Κέντρου Πανοράματος παρατηρώντας την αποθεραπεία, την αποκατάσταση.
Σαν εικόνα την νοιώθω υπερπλήρης.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
22.09.2015 Tuesday
I was talking this morning with a friend of mine about my future plans for this project. He told me that i am writing in a very personal way, sharing my personal thoughts at the daily reports. This was strange for him (i can't remember his words exactly; probably he told me that in a different way that i have forgotten it now). We often, when something is difficult, choose to forget. I answered to him that sometimes i stop myself for writing more because the exposure scares me.
It is Tuesday today, the third day of recovery after the long Trail. I was running at the Athletic Center of Panorama and i was thinking the conversation with this friend of mine. At that time i cached myself to do exactly this, censoring myself. What i did was conscious. I had many and different thoughts that was personal and i stopped myself. I did it deliberate and with stability. I tried to focus on my goal, to recover and keep in touch with my body and especially with my parts that was in pain.
What a race like this offer to the runner is unique and you realize it over time. After three days and my body together with my soul are “working up” in themes that came up during the day of the race. This was the trigger for taking this photo today. The bag for the supplies was hanging up to the rails of the Athletic Center of Panorama. It was like watching my effort for recovery.
For me it is a replete image.
I was talking this morning with a friend of mine about my future plans for this project. He told me that i am writing in a very personal way, sharing my personal thoughts at the daily reports. This was strange for him (i can't remember his words exactly; probably he told me that in a different way that i have forgotten it now). We often, when something is difficult, choose to forget. I answered to him that sometimes i stop myself for writing more because the exposure scares me.
It is Tuesday today, the third day of recovery after the long Trail. I was running at the Athletic Center of Panorama and i was thinking the conversation with this friend of mine. At that time i cached myself to do exactly this, censoring myself. What i did was conscious. I had many and different thoughts that was personal and i stopped myself. I did it deliberate and with stability. I tried to focus on my goal, to recover and keep in touch with my body and especially with my parts that was in pain.
I needed that more than anything. So, i chose to stay in contact with my body and my personal feelings. I need it more, we needed more.
What a race like this offer to the runner is unique and you realize it over time. After three days and my body together with my soul are “working up” in themes that came up during the day of the race. This was the trigger for taking this photo today. The bag for the supplies was hanging up to the rails of the Athletic Center of Panorama. It was like watching my effort for recovery.
For me it is a replete image.
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