23.06.2015 Τρίτη
Το τρέξιμο είναι ένα χειρόφρενο στην καθημερινότητα, αν το σκεφτείτε καλά είναι σαν να λέμε όταν τρέχουμε ότι τώρα σταματάν τα πάντα, δεν υπάρχει τίποτα. Ακινησία και κίνηση μαζί, απ' όλα, προς όλα και για όλα.
Σταματάν όλα και παίρνουμε αποστάσεις από ''αυτά τα όλα'' για την συνέχεια. Τώρα που το σκέφτομαι καλύτερα μπορούν να δοθούν πολύ χαρακτηρισμοί στο τρέξιμο. Pit stop, βενζινάδικο, εστιατόριο, (επιτρέψτε μου) τουαλέτα. Πολλοί χαρακτηρισμοί, όσα και τα στυλ των ανθρώπων καθώς τρέχουν, όσοι χαρακτηρισμοί μας ταιριάζουν να τους δίνουμε.
Σήμερα έτρεξα όπως μπορείτε να δείτε πιο κάτω στο rutastic μια διαδρομή ημιαστική μέσα στο Πανόραμα και λίγο πιο έξω. Μια διαδρομή που την κάνω με το αυτοκίνητο τα τελευταία τουλάχιστον δυο χρόνια, τρεις φορές την εβδομάδα.
Παρά την επανάληψη ήταν μια καινούργια διαδρομή, ήταν σαν αυτό που ανέφερα νωρίτερα. Σαν να τράβηξα χειρόφρενο να κατέβηκα στο περίπτερο που περνάω τόσο καιρό και ποτέ δεν σταμάτησα να πάρω εφημερίδα, το ΄κάνα κι είδα για πρώτη φορά το πρόσωπο του περιπτερά.
Κι όλα αυτά σε μια διαδρομή που την λέω οικεία. Ενώ οι χαρακτηρισμοί για το τρέξιμο ανανεώνονται συνεχώς. Σαν εργαστήριο είναι το τρέξιμο που εμβαθύνει, αναλύει με μικροσκόπια, υλικά και άυλα στοιχεία. Αυτό μήπως δεν κάνει το τρέξιμο; Δεν εμβαθύνει; Δεν σε βάζει σε μια διαδικασία παρατήρησης και αναστοχασμού;
Ερωτήματα που δεν περιμένω απαντήσεις, αυτές έρχονται μόνες τους.
23.06.2015 Tuesday
Running is like a handbrake to everyday life. When you run you pause everything else. Those moments nothing else is really important. Stillness and movement at the same time. From all, to all, for all.
Everything stops and we take distances from this "everything", to fill energy for the rest of them. We could give many characteristics to running. We could call this habit pit stop, gas station, and restaurant and (if you allow me) w.c. People's style defines the running style, whatever fits to all these runners.
Today, i run a suburban route as you can see in Runtastic, inside Panorama and a bit around. I repeat this route by car at least 3 days per week for 2 years.

I saw the yards, the gardens, the stray dogs that i overtook for so long, fences (sloppy or prim), people behind the fences, the old abandoned camp with a label that informs about the visits (i think that is unacceptable to stay close at that period of time). Various and different houses, some of them are huge and indifferently, the garbage on the roadside. Our garbage...that of humans.
I thought all these during a route that it seemed familiar. The running characteristics refreshing all the time. It is like a laboratory that deepens and analyzes with a microscope the tangible and intangible elements.
This is exactly what running is doing to all of us isn't it? Helps us to deepen, observe and reflect. Questions that probably have no answers…but answers come alone.
http://www.movescount.com/moves/move66824522Running is like a handbrake to everyday life. When you run you pause everything else. Those moments nothing else is really important. Stillness and movement at the same time. From all, to all, for all.
Everything stops and we take distances from this "everything", to fill energy for the rest of them. We could give many characteristics to running. We could call this habit pit stop, gas station, and restaurant and (if you allow me) w.c. People's style defines the running style, whatever fits to all these runners.
Today, i run a suburban route as you can see in Runtastic, inside Panorama and a bit around. I repeat this route by car at least 3 days per week for 2 years.
Although i repeat the way for so long , today, it was a new route. It was like as if I pulled the handbrake, gone to kiosk that i come across every day and i never went to buy a newspaper. I did it today and it was the first time that i saw the face of the man that works in the kiosk.

I saw the yards, the gardens, the stray dogs that i overtook for so long, fences (sloppy or prim), people behind the fences, the old abandoned camp with a label that informs about the visits (i think that is unacceptable to stay close at that period of time). Various and different houses, some of them are huge and indifferently, the garbage on the roadside. Our garbage...that of humans.
I thought all these during a route that it seemed familiar. The running characteristics refreshing all the time. It is like a laboratory that deepens and analyzes with a microscope the tangible and intangible elements.
This is exactly what running is doing to all of us isn't it? Helps us to deepen, observe and reflect. Questions that probably have no answers…but answers come alone.
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