01.05.2015 Παρασκευή
Σκεφτόμουν σήμερα πως θα 'ταν αν δεν ζούσαμε σε σπίτια, αλλά έξω στην φύση, σε σκηνές, τέντες ή σε αυτοσχέδια καταλύματα. Πήγαμε η οικογένεια σε δυο - τρεις διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες στο Σέιχ Σου. Λόγω της ημέρας ήταν σαν να 'μασταν στο κέντρο της πόλης, ήταν απίστευτα μεγάλος ο όγκος των ανθρώπων, ήταν σαν να 'χε γίνει σεισμός και όλοι βγήκαμε στο βουνό. Αυτή η εικόνα έφερε την σκέψη για την ζωή εκτός των σπιτιών.
Απίστευτες εικόνες, φανταστείτε πως εκεί που καθίσαμε κάποιοι είχαν φύγει και άφησαν την φωτιά να σιγοκαίει με αποτέλεσμα να τρέχουν οι υπόλοιποι να την σβήσουν. Βέβαια δεν θέλω να φαντάζομαι την εικόνα του βουνού με τα σκουπίδια που αφήνει ο άνθρωπος πίσω του. Αναρωτιέμαι, πόσοι από όλους εμάς που πήραμε τα βουνά σήμερα, συνηθίζουμε να πηγαίνουμε έστω για μια βόλτα στο βουνό τις υπόλοιπες ημέρες του χρόνου;
Η εικόνα όμως με τόσους ανθρώπους στην φύση ήταν όμορφη και πρέπει να λέμε το όμορφο.
Αργότερα το απόγευμα βγήκα στην βάση για την 26η ημέρα του project. Ήταν άδειο το βουνό, άδειο το τοπίο, άκουγα να βήματά μου στην γη και ο ήχος είχε ροή, σταθερότητα, ομοιογένεια. Έτρεχα και σκεφτόμουν την φανταστική βουνίσια κοινωνία των ανθρώπων και τους τρόπους διαβίωσης.
Το βλέμμα μου κάποια στιγμή έπιασε μια παράξενη - ασυνήθιστη ''μπάλα'' επάνω σε ένα χαμηλό δέντρο. Κοντοστάθηκα και κατάλαβα ότι ήταν μια κοινωνία μελισσών, εκτός σπιτιού, εκτός κυψέλης. Ότι σκεφτόμουν για την κοινωνία των ανθρώπων ήταν μπροστά μου με ένα διαφορετικό όμως είδος .
Μέλισσες μαζεμένες, η μια πάνω στην άλλη. Μια μπάλα ζωής, μια μπάλα συνεργασίας, μια μπάλα επιβίωσης. Όσες φορές πέρασα απ' το σημείο μέχρι να φύγω, ήταν εκεί ακούνητες, το ίδιο και το βλέμμα μου, μόλις εμφανίζονταν στο οπτικό μου πεδίο ήθελα απλά να τις βλέπω, απλά να θαυμάζω την φύση.
Τίποτα περισσότερο, τίποτα λιγότερο.
Καλό μήνα, καλό Μάη.
01.05.2015 Friday
I was wondering today the way people would be if they didn't live in houses but outside to nature, in tents or makeshift accommodation. Earlier we went with my family outside to the forest (Seix Sou). We wander around a bit until we find a nice place to stay. It reminded us the center of the city. Many people were there, it seemed like times after an earthquake and everybody went out to the forest. This was actually the image that brought me the thought about living outside to the nature.
Multiple images, nice and bad. Near the place we finally found somebody left a fire slow burning. Fortunately there were others that rushed to extinguish the fire. I am afraid of thinking the rubbish the humans usually leave everywhere in the mountain after days like the above. I am really wondering how many of you went out to the forest today...i guess it is not a usual habit for most.
Later on, i went to the basis for running for 26th time during my project. The mountain was empty, the landscape was quiet. I was listening my steps on earth; the sound had flow, stability, homogeneity. While i was running, i was thinking the imaginary mountain life and the lifestyles.
My gaze fell to a strange, odd ball that was standing on a tree. I went closer to see and it was a bee society, outside the house, outside of the beehive.
There were bees, one over the other. It was a ball full of life, a cooperative ball, a survival ball. I passed from that point many times. They stayed there without moving exactly like my gaze. The only think i really wanted was watching the bees, admiring the nature.
Nothing more or less.
I wish you have a nice month and a beautiful Mayday.
I was wondering today the way people would be if they didn't live in houses but outside to nature, in tents or makeshift accommodation. Earlier we went with my family outside to the forest (Seix Sou). We wander around a bit until we find a nice place to stay. It reminded us the center of the city. Many people were there, it seemed like times after an earthquake and everybody went out to the forest. This was actually the image that brought me the thought about living outside to the nature.
Multiple images, nice and bad. Near the place we finally found somebody left a fire slow burning. Fortunately there were others that rushed to extinguish the fire. I am afraid of thinking the rubbish the humans usually leave everywhere in the mountain after days like the above. I am really wondering how many of you went out to the forest today...i guess it is not a usual habit for most.
Nevertheless, the image of the people out in the wild today was really beautiful...and it is fair to focus on nice images.
Later on, i went to the basis for running for 26th time during my project. The mountain was empty, the landscape was quiet. I was listening my steps on earth; the sound had flow, stability, homogeneity. While i was running, i was thinking the imaginary mountain life and the lifestyles.
My gaze fell to a strange, odd ball that was standing on a tree. I went closer to see and it was a bee society, outside the house, outside of the beehive.
There were bees, one over the other. It was a ball full of life, a cooperative ball, a survival ball. I passed from that point many times. They stayed there without moving exactly like my gaze. The only think i really wanted was watching the bees, admiring the nature.
Nothing more or less.
I wish you have a nice month and a beautiful Mayday.
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