29.04.2015 Τετάρτη
Σκέφτομαι να σταματήσω το τρέξιμο στην παραλία. Την Παρασκευή 17 Απρίλη, 12η ημέρα δράσης του running365.gr στην παραλία, στον Ναυτικό όμιλο σκόνταψα και έπεσα. Σήμερα στην παραλία στην Καλαμαριά, λίγο πριν το Παλατάκι, στο πανέμορφο μονοπάτι με το χαμομήλι που φαίνεται στην φωτογραφία μου έπεσε κάτω το κινητό. Σταμάτησα πάνω του. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι εμφανές.
Σκέφτομαι τι θα μου συμβεί την επόμενη φορά που θα πάω για τρέξιμο στην παραλία. Ίσως να πέσω μέσα στην θάλασσα.
Ευτυχώς, αυτό συνέβη καθώς έτρεχα, έτσι μπόρεσε να εκτονωθεί όλο το αρνητικό συναίσθημα που βγήκε μετά την διάλυση της συσκευής. Αργότερα σκεφτόμουν πως θα 'ταν μια selfie την στιγμή που διαπίστωνα την ζημιά που έγινε.
Τέλος πάντων, πάντα υπάρχει το άσχημο μέσα στο όμορφο, πάντα υπάρχει το όμορφο μέσα στο άσχημο ή αν προτιμάτε πάντα εκτός από το κακό υπάρχει και το καλό.
Στο πανέμορφο μονοπάτι, στο δίωρο κενό που είχα το μεσημέρι πριν επιστρέψω στην δουλειά έγινε μια ζημιά. Σκεφτόμουν πως απλά ήταν μια συσκευή που εμείς οι άνθρωποι συνδεόμαστε μαζί της και αυτό είναι όλο. Ευτυχώς δεν έπαθα κάτι εγώ, δεν χτύπησα, δεν σταμάτησα το project.
Γι αυτό έγραψα στο istagram λίγο μετά το γεγονός και έτσι κλείνω και αυτό κρατάω, ''Πάντα υπάρχει κάτι θετικό, το έσπασα τρέχοντας, έτρεξα όμως....''
29.04.2015 Wednesday
I was thinking to stop running near the sea of Thessaloniki. On 17th of April, while running on the 12th day of running365.gr i stumbled and fell. Today, i run again close to the sea,near Kalamaria area. A little bit before the Little Palace, crossing a beautiful path full of chamomile my mobile phone fell down (you can see this on the photo). I stopped just above it. The result is obvious.
I am afraid of what is going to happen the next time that i will decide to run next to the sea. Probably i will fall in the sea.
Fortunately this happened while i was running. It gave me the time and the chance to relief my bad feelings that i had after the accident. I was thinking later what a selfie would be the time i realized that my phone was broken.
While i was running to this beautiful path, during the 2 hours brake from work i had this bad event. I tried to think that it was only a machine what i really lost, although we, human beings create bonds with items. Fortunately, i didn't have an accident, i didn’t hit, i didn't force to stop the project.
That's why i wrote afterwards to instagram "there is always something good that coming up from bad events, i destroyed it running, but what really matters was that i run...". That is what i kept from this day of running.
I was thinking to stop running near the sea of Thessaloniki. On 17th of April, while running on the 12th day of running365.gr i stumbled and fell. Today, i run again close to the sea,near Kalamaria area. A little bit before the Little Palace, crossing a beautiful path full of chamomile my mobile phone fell down (you can see this on the photo). I stopped just above it. The result is obvious.
I am afraid of what is going to happen the next time that i will decide to run next to the sea. Probably i will fall in the sea.
Fortunately this happened while i was running. It gave me the time and the chance to relief my bad feelings that i had after the accident. I was thinking later what a selfie would be the time i realized that my phone was broken.
Nevertheless, there is always something good in bad moments (or the opposite) or if you prefer there is something good in bad events.
While i was running to this beautiful path, during the 2 hours brake from work i had this bad event. I tried to think that it was only a machine what i really lost, although we, human beings create bonds with items. Fortunately, i didn't have an accident, i didn’t hit, i didn't force to stop the project.
That's why i wrote afterwards to instagram "there is always something good that coming up from bad events, i destroyed it running, but what really matters was that i run...". That is what i kept from this day of running.
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