19.05.2015 Τρίτη
Το είχα γράψει και στο facebook του project προχθές. Πρέπει η σύσταση της ομάδας για τον '' 2ο αγώνα Τρέξε χωρίς τερματισμό'' να ήταν η πιο σύντομη που έγινε ποτέ, πολλοί δεν είμαστε, όμως σε 30' περίπου συμπληρωθήκαμε λίγη ώρα πριν λήξη ο χρόνος των εγγραφών.
Η σημερινή λοιπόν 44η συνεχόμενη ημέρα τρεξίματος έγινε με την σκέψη στους ανθρώπους που δέχθηκαν την πρόσκλησή μου να γίνουμε ομάδα, με την αποδοχή αυτή τίμησαν εμένα και το project. Μετά σκέφτηκα αυτό που έχω αναφέρει πολλές φορές μέχρι τώρα. Τίποτα δεν είναι τυχαίο. Δίχως να το επιδιώξω βρεθήκαμε 12 άνθρωποι να πλαισιώνουμε την ομάδα, όσοι και οι μήνες του running365.gr.
Πόσο συμβολικό σκέφτομαι...
Η ομάδα του running365.gr αποτελείται από 12 άτομα, όσοι και οι μήνες εξέλιξης του ίδιου του running365.gr. Ο μεγαλύτερος σε ηλικία είναι 44 ετών (Στάθης) και ο μικρότερος 18 μηνών (Κωνσταντίνος), ενώ η ομάδα έχει στην δύναμή της και μια εγκυμονούσα οπότε είμαστε αν σκεφτείτε πάνω από 12 άτομα.
Πόσο συμβολικό σκέφτομαι...
Αποφάσισα την σημερινή ημέρα τρεξίματος να την αφιερώσω σ' αυτούς. Σκέφτηκα να δώσω στον καθένα από ένα μήνα ανάλογα με τα χαρακτηριστικά του, αυτό όμως ίσως να 'ταν αυθαίρετο. Τελικά σκέφτομαι μια από τις επόμενες ημέρες του ''2ου αγώνα Τρέξε χωρίς τερματισμό'' να κάνω τουλάχιστον ένα γύρο για τον καθένα. Θα δούμε, αύριο ξεκινά η πολύ καλή διοργάνωση, οπότε θα δείξει το άμεσο μέλλον.
Ευχαριστώ θερμά τους Στάθη, Γιωργία, Νεόφυτο, Δήμητρα, Ελένη, Μεταξία, Κώστα, Μαρία, Ιωάννα, Φίλιππο και Κωνσταντίνο.
Και ας τρέξουμε όσοι και όσο μπορούμε, δεν είναι μόνο η χρηματική στήριξη των φορέων και οργανισμών, είναι η προσφορά στον ίδιο των εαυτό μέσα από την άσκηση. Αν το καταλάβουμε αυτό και το κάνουμε πράξη, σίγουρα θα μεταφερθεί η ενέργεια και στους υπόλοιπους με διάφορους και διαφορετικούς τρόπους.
19.05.2015 Thuesday
As I have mentioned before at facebook in 30 minutes we managed to consist our team that participates to the race that is calling "Second Race. Run Without Ending ". We are not many but we managed to be a team in 30 minutes, shortly before the end of the registration time.
While i was running today i was thinking of all these people that they accept my proposal to be in that team. By subscribing, they honored me and my project. Then i was thinking something that is coming up often in my mind...that nothing happens accidentally. Without trying a lot, 12 people came together and created this team...so many as the months that this project (running365.gr) lasts.
I think it's very symbolic...
On this occasion i thought to dedicate this day to all those people. I would like to give each one the name of a month...but maybe it was a bit arbitrary. I think i will try to run at least one round for everyone. We will see. The race starts tomorrow and the organization is very good... we will see the continuation in the future.
I would like to thank Stathi, Georgia, Dimitra, Eleni, Metaxia, Kosta, Maria Ioanna, Filippo and Konstantino. We are the team of Running365.
And let us run as much as we can because it is not only the money we give to support all these institutions but also what we offer to ourselves through exercise. If we understand that and act like this all the energy will be transferred with several different ways.
As I have mentioned before at facebook in 30 minutes we managed to consist our team that participates to the race that is calling "Second Race. Run Without Ending ". We are not many but we managed to be a team in 30 minutes, shortly before the end of the registration time.
The team of running365.gr consists of 12 people. 12 are also the months that this project is going to last. The oldest one is Stathis (44 years old) and the youngest is Konstantinos (18 months). In the team participates also Georgia. She is pregnant. So we are not actually 12 but more.
While i was running today i was thinking of all these people that they accept my proposal to be in that team. By subscribing, they honored me and my project. Then i was thinking something that is coming up often in my mind...that nothing happens accidentally. Without trying a lot, 12 people came together and created this team...so many as the months that this project (running365.gr) lasts.
I think it's very symbolic...
On this occasion i thought to dedicate this day to all those people. I would like to give each one the name of a month...but maybe it was a bit arbitrary. I think i will try to run at least one round for everyone. We will see. The race starts tomorrow and the organization is very good... we will see the continuation in the future.
I would like to thank Stathi, Georgia, Dimitra, Eleni, Metaxia, Kosta, Maria Ioanna, Filippo and Konstantino. We are the team of Running365.
And let us run as much as we can because it is not only the money we give to support all these institutions but also what we offer to ourselves through exercise. If we understand that and act like this all the energy will be transferred with several different ways.
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