05.06.2016 Κυριακή
Θεέ μου!!! Τι βλέπουν τα μάτια μου... Αναρωτιέμαι γιατί βγήκα σήμερα....
Σε λιγότερο από 12 ώρες δυο ρολόγια μου παροπλίστηκαν. Χθες βράδυ το βασικό μου suunto quest αλλάζοντας μπαταρία έσβησε, αυτό ήταν. Σήμερα τρέχοντας για την 427η συνεχόμενη ημέρα τρεξίματος το εφεδρικό sunnto X10 (παραχώρηση ενός φίλου που δεν ξέρω πως λειτουργεί) του κόπηκε το λουρί.
Το runtastic του κινητού που χρησιμοποίησα για την καταγραφή της διαδρομής έκανε κενό όπως φαίνεται στο παρακάτω link, το πόδι μου ''γύρισε'' ευτυχώς όχι πολύ, τα παπούτσια σκίστηκαν και τα κορδόνια τους διαλύθηκαν.
Τι να πω τώρα; Άλλο κακό να μην με βρει... Απ' το μάτι το κακό.......
05.06.2016 Sunday
In less than 12 hours two of my watches were rendered useless. Last night and while I was changing the battery, my main suunto quest died away, that was that. Today, running for the 427th consecutive day of running, the strap of my back up sunnto X10 got cut off (one that a friend gave to me and I don't know how to work it).
The runtastic on my mobile, which I was using to log my route must have broken off at some point as you can see from the link below, my foot twisted, thankfully not a lot, the shoes got ripped and their laces were torn.
What can I say? I hope that no more evil comes to me...From the evil eye...
Oh, My God!!! What is this I am witnessing...I wonder why did I ever go out today...
In less than 12 hours two of my watches were rendered useless. Last night and while I was changing the battery, my main suunto quest died away, that was that. Today, running for the 427th consecutive day of running, the strap of my back up sunnto X10 got cut off (one that a friend gave to me and I don't know how to work it).
The runtastic on my mobile, which I was using to log my route must have broken off at some point as you can see from the link below, my foot twisted, thankfully not a lot, the shoes got ripped and their laces were torn.
What can I say? I hope that no more evil comes to me...From the evil eye...
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